The Palestinian Prisoners Society (PPS) has reported that Israeli soldiers abducted, on Wednesday at dawn, five Palestinians in the West Bank governorates of Ramallah, Jenin, Jerusalem and Hebron. They were taken prisoner after the soldiers abducted, earlier, fourteen Palestinians in Silwan town, in occupied Jerusalem, and one in Jenin.

The Palestinian Prisoners’ Society (PPS) in Ramallah, in central West Bank, said the soldiers invaded Ni’lin village, west of Ramallah, searched homes and abducted Ahmad Mohammad Srour and Ibrahim Khalil Srour.

The PPS office of Jenin, in northern West Bank, said the soldiers invaded Rommana village, and abducted Mohammad Saleh Abu Sharba, from his home.

In occupied Jerusalem, the soldiers abducted Hussein Nabil Samara, 22, from his home in Biddu town, northwest of the city.

In Hebron, in southern West Bank, the soldiers abducted Mohammad Yousef Hreinat, from his home in Yatta town, south of Hebron.

The soldiers also invaded many neighborhoods in Hebron city, and broke into several homes in the al-‘Arroub refugee camp, north of Hebron, in addition to the towns of Yatta and Beit Awwa, south and west of Hebron.

The soldiers also confiscated three Palestinian cars, and searched many homes in the al-‘Arroub refugee camp, after invading and ransacking many homes.

Owners of some of the invaded homes have been identified as Mohammad Jawabra, Mahmoud Jawabra, Ahmad Jawabra, Abdul-Rahman Abu Taqiyya, Ezzat Banat, Issa Le’jouli, Ishaq Jawabra, Jawad Abu al-Kheiran, Khaled Erfa’eyya, Mahmoud Abu Warda and Jamil al-Hoor.

In Beit ‘Awwa, southwest of Heron, the soldiers invaded and searched the home of Rezeq Odeh Masalma, in addition to the home in Jamal Abed Awad, in Yatta town, south of Hebron.

Furthermore, the soldiers installed roadblocks at the main entrances of many villages, towns and refugee camps, in Hebron.

Also at dawn, the soldiers invaded Silwan town, south of the Al-Aqsa Mosque, in Jerusalem, and conducted violent searches of homes, before abducting at least thirteen Palestinians, including children, and demolished two buildings.

On Tuesday evening, the abducted a young Palestinian man, from Rommana village, west of the northern West Bank city of Jenin, and confiscated his motorcycle.

It is worth mentioning that the PPS said the soldiers have abducted at least 620 Palestinians, including 170 children and twelve women, since the U.S. President Donald Trump made his illegal recognition of occupied Jerusalem as the capital of Israeli, on Wednesday December 6th in direct violation of all related United Nations and Security Council resolutions.